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5 Ways To Keep Energy Bills Low This Winter

energy bills

We are all facing challenges this winter with rising energy bills and cost of living, but there are some changes you can consider making to help keep bills low this winter.

Provide Low Energy Background Heat

With many people resisting putting their heating on due to rising energy prices, there is a risk of people becoming ill or very cold if the winter brings a cold snap, this can also increase risk of damp which can affect health.

One way to provide some background heat to make for a more comfortable environment and to prevent damp, consider providing low-energy background heat in the home. Tbe heaters are an ideal solution for this, as they are portable and electric so easy to install as and where needed.

Tubular heaters are tube-shaped heaters that are made from a lightweight extended aluminium tube and are ideal for providing background heat to any space and cost as little as 2p an hour to run – much more efficient and cheaper to run than other portable heaters such as oil, gas and convector heaters.

Use A Slow Cooker Or Air Fryer For More Meals

Slow cookers and air fryers have boomed in popularity in recent months as they provide a low-energy way of preparing meals. A slow cooker uses 90% less energy than a conventional oven, while an air fryer uses around 50% less energy.

You can cook many of your favourite staple meals using these appliances and there are lots of great recipes and ideas for making the most of your slow cooker or air fryer across social media.

Swap To Led Lightbulbs

With the phasing out of incandescent lightbulbs, many of us now use more energy-efficient lightbulbs such as CFL and halogen but considering LED lightbulbs can help save even more energy.

Whilst they can be initially more expensive, LED lightbulbs have a much longer lifespan than other lightbulbs and can last as long as twenty years! They don’t burn out like other bulbs, so will never ‘blow’, they’ll just dim over time.

They’re also cheaper to run and replacing lights in your home with LEDs can save you around £250 a year.

Look Into Energy Efficiency Grants

You could qualify for government grants to help towards the cost of making your home energy efficient. The Sustainable Warmth Grant can provide up to £10,000 towards the cost of home improvements such as wall and loft insulation, solar panels, a new boiler or double glazing.

It’s worth checking to see if you qualify for assistance because there are numerous government grants available right now to help with living expenses and energy bills.

Slay Vampire Power

Did you know that leaving appliances on standby is known as ‘vampire power’ as it can use up a surprising amount of energy? Try and aim to turn items off standby when turning them off or see if they have an energy-saving mode – TVs, gaming consoles and laptops can be some of the worst offenders.

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